OD / CC - Working Capital


Working Capital OD/CC

OD/CC Limits

BBN Fincon provides Over Draft and Cash Credit Limit facility to businesses for working capital in the economy. This facility is available for various businesses such as wholesalers, retailers, merchants, contractors, small and medium manufacturers, online sellers, catering service, travel agencies, etc.

Overdraft facility (OD)

We offer an overdraft facility to cover a gap in working capital for daily needs. This overdraft is provided on the basis of financial and real estate collateral to meet the working capital requirements of customers at a low interest rate.

We believe that every businessman wants to borrow money at a minimum interest rate, so we offer secured working capital overdraft.

OD/CC Limits

BBN Fincon provides Over Draft and Cash Credit Limit facility to businesses for working capital in the economy.

OD / CC - Working Capital
CC Limit fulfills working capital requirement of the business

Cash credit limit loan in fulfills working capital requirement of the business. As a businessman, you can buy goods on credit from the supplier and the supplier can offer a payment term, but it is not always possible to sell all the goods in the given time. There may be some unsold goods in stock and your money is blocked in the warehouse. To get out of such situation, you can take a cash credit limit, so that you do not have a problem with working capital. Timely payment of your creditors and other business expenses will give you great mental satisfaction and help you run your business smoothly. This will also improve the goodwill and reputation of the business.

CC limit to cover unexpected business expenses

Business life is full of uncertainties. As a businessman, you have to incur certain expenses for which you have not made any provision. Expenses like road accidents, death of an employee, government action, increase in rates, taxes and charges, strikes etc require a lot of money.

Interbank dealing process

The bill discounting service also involves interbank dealings. The terms and conditions of discounting are discussed and agreed upon by the banks or financial institutions of the buyer and seller without their immediate involvement.

CC Limit is a great tool for seasonal business

If a businessman manufactures or distributes a product that is seasonal, such as candles or lights, warm clothing, etc., he or she will be able to pay for it. In the off-season, the demand is very low. Since there are no sales or very few sales, the entrepreneur may face liquidity problems. Due to cash flow problems, you may not be able to pay your regular business expenses such as employee salaries, payments to your suppliers, etc. Suppliers may stop delivering goods and workers may go on strike. Cash credit limit or CC is an excellent tool to overcome this problem.

Why us?

Main Features & Product Function

We offer our customers the best lending options that are hassle-free and quick. We are well-known for our excellent customer service and speedy loan disbursement.

OD / CC - Working Capital
Overdraft Facility For Properties Such As Residential, Commercial, Industrial And Land Properties.

OD / CC - Working Capital
Interest Is Charged Only On The Daily Used Balance Of The Account.

OD / CC - Working Capital
Interest Rate And Processing Fee Are Based On The Programs Selected By The Borrower.

OD / CC - Working Capital
Helps Manage Business Cash Flow